Tuesday, May 22, 2007

i wish i could clearcut the state of colorado so that it would stop raining.

i obviously would not be able to do this myself, so i was considering going into the city tomorrow to find the creepy vagabond that told me several months ago that she would wield her dark magic against me if i refused to give her my chinese leftovers; i was coming back from a rather delightful meal at the white lotus palace. my initial thought was that she could use her dark magic to do the clearcutting, but after thinking about it i decided that such a feat would be overly vexing, especially for a malnourished person. my new plan is to have her raise paul bunyan and his ox back from the dead. she would also program them to do my bidding, and my bidding alone. first order of business boys...deforest the state of colorado.

i ended up yielding the leftovers and consequently im not entirely sure she is a dark sorceress, but she smelled strongly of mushrooms, which are a pretty standard ingredient in potions, so im pretty confident.

try to imagine a combination of these last two photos.

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