Tuesday, October 13, 2009

i am loving this evolution

i was sipping a café au lait at my local coffee haunt last tuesday with my friend, a german foreign exchange student named klaus. we were engaged in a rather fervent discourse surrounding a PBS documentary, which had aired the previous evening. the documentary, titled “tropical hobbits?”, discussed the finding of fossilized body parts in indonesia from a potentially new species, which are being called Homo floresiensis. the dispute concerning the fossils was whether or not they actually represented a new species, or were they perhaps just leprous modern humans with microcephaly, a genetic disorder resulting in an abnormal smallness of the head. an older gentleman who was sitting behind me, and who upon arrival had recklessly obstructed the doorway with his four-volt electric scooter, told me that he too had seen the PBS documentary, and that he could tell me exactly what those fossils were. he seemed somewhat scholarly and well put together, if you discounted the fact that his breath was noticeably redolent of johnnie walker at seven o’clock in the morning. so I leaned in to hear what the tweedy bastard had to say, and after sharing his exceptionally limited wisdom i assured him that the fossils were most likely not “moon people”.

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