Thursday, February 19, 2009

...a lugubrious droll...

this blog is not dead, just in hibernation like mount saint helens (who one day will awake from her slumber and belch plumes of noxious, pyroclastic death, which she will irradiate the pacific northwest with. she'll pummel them with pumice, and when the recovery is over they'll stick it back to her when cleaning the calcium deposits off the edges of their pools, wearing european water suits...and such will be this blog. it's going to hit you like a charlie mingus/ella fitzgerald/nickleback jazz-rock fusion ensemble, sir. you be ready for that day because it's coming).

realistically, i have decided that since i don't have time right now (at the end of winter quarter) to start updating again it only seems rational to participate in something i once described as "representing the downfall of american society" if there weren't enough of those already (e.g. the third hour of the today show, sweatpants, people who don't like jazz, and the economy). i am temporarily moving over here... ...tell your friends.

other people who should tweet with me (twss): eric moore, tito, kyle d'auria, ben quinn, professor conyers, and there are probably loads more. doesn't contribute to the degradation of society if we ALL do it.

today i turn in a load of final assignments, but i'm not too worried about it after reading about ted's day, i don't think i would be possible for things to get effed worse than that.


Anonymous said...

Hey Colin, remember when you used to be my second favorite blog...

GoodGooglyMoogly said...

hey colin, remember when you didn't suck at letting people that live 4890 miles away some insight on your denver life?